
August 4, 2019


When it comes to learning in the building and construction industry, things have certainly changed over the years. In the past, one professional qualification was all you needed to have a long and successful career.

These days, however, lifelong learning has become a vital part of developing your career. As the industry is constantly evolving, workers need to stay ahead of the game – otherwise, they risk falling behind.

This is why CPD for builders is so important. To give you a better idea of what we’re talking about, let’s dig deeper into what CPD is, how it works, how CPD for builders online might be for you and how it could help further your career. 

What is CPD?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. In short, CPD is the process of gaining the extra skills, knowledge and experience needed to keep up with changes in the building and construction industry. It is the action of staying up to date and educated, something you can and should continually be doing. 

Staying educated is more important now than ever before. With continuous advances in technology, changes in regulation, and increasing specialisation, it is quickly becoming the norm for builders to be aware of and act on their Continuing Professional Development to get ahead in their careers. 

How does CPD work?

Under CPD, you participate in a number of learning opportunities and activities, usually by completing Continuing Professional Development courses with accredited providers such as CWBTS. You can also undertake your builders’ CPD online.

The goal is to accumulate a certain amount of CPD points in a given period to satisfy your state-based regulator. Requirements differ depending on the state or territory you live in, the kind of work you do, and what stage of your career you’re at. Building and construction courses online are very accessible and can be completed while you work, so there’s no need to take time off. 

Importantly, you need to check with your local regulator to find out what your CPD requirements are. For example, in NSW and Tasmania, CPD is a mandatory requirement to renew your builders’ license. In states like Victoria, CPD for builders isn’t mandatory, although it is available and strongly encouraged.

What are the advantages of CPD for Builders?

As a builder, it’s important for you to know what’s going on in the industry, and there are obvious advantages to keeping your skills refreshed. If you want to stay ahead of curve, completing Continual Professional Development courses is a must. Many people find completing their builders’ CPD online to be the most time efficient way to stay ahead in the industry, which is beneficial to you as a builder and your clients. 

As someone working in the building and construction industry, CPD allows you the confidence to know that your qualifications and registration standards remain intact. It also aids in your career progression and advancement, as you will have the confidence and credibility to adapt to a workplace which is always evolving. These are invaluable qualities which CPD helps you to achieve.  

What if you’re an employer? If you own your own business, CPD can ensure the standards across your company are consistently high. It also helps to boost staff morale and promote better work productivity – on-site and in the office. Having your employee’s complete building and construction courses online gives them the flexibility to upskill more quickly.

Our Continuing Professional Development courses

At CWBTS, we take your lifelong learning seriously. That’s why we offer a number of CPD courses online across a variety of areas, including:

  • National Construction Code (NCC)
  • Health and Safety
  • Commercial
  • Legal
  • Company Administration
  • Technical

Do you need to wrap your head around basic contract law? Want to know the fundamentals behind running a small business? Are you up to date with the National Construction Code? Do you think you can handle dispute resolution? Whatever it is you need to know, or are required to as part of your work, our courses will get you up to speed. 

At CWBTS, we’re also committed to providing building and construction courses online – and the same applies for our CPD courses. By offering CPD for builders online, you can make strides in your career without the hassle of taking time off from work. The best part? Our courses are simple, user-friendly, quick, and affordable.

Ready to enrol?

Builders’ Continuing Professional Development isn’t just a vital part of maintaining your knowledge and skills – it’s a smart way to progress your career and make the most of changes happening in the industry.

To find out more about our builders’ CPD online courses, how to enrol, and the bundles that work best for you, just head to our website.

If you simply have questions about CPD for builders online, how the process works, and what courses are right for you, get in touch today – we’re happy to walk you through the details. Give us a call on 1300 4 CWBTS or get in touch here.

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